Distress Management:

Virtual Hope Box - iOS Google - Simple, free interface to manage distress, designed by the National Center for PTSD.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

Mindfulness Coach - Developed by the National Center for PTSD to be used by anyone wanting to learn more about and practice mindfulness.

Meditation for Beginners - Book and CD by Jack Kornfield that is a great starting point for those interested in learning about meditation.

Meditation FAQ - Questions and answers from Tara Brach, with a focus on lovingkindness meditation.

Dharma Seed - A vast, free library of buddhist talks and guided meditations.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:

PTSD Coach Free app to improve understanding and coping with PTSD.

National Center for PTSD This site contains a vast array of resources and information for people coping with trauma and those who support them.

Sleep and Fatigue:

How to Conserve Your Energy Written for those experiencing fatigue following Covid-19 infection, but could be used more broadly. Great tips for managing fatigue.

Tips for Better Sleep - Summary of key sleep hygiene concepts.

Insomnia Coach - A free app developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs to be used by anyone wanting to learn about and improve sleep.

CBT-i Coach - Another helpful app developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs to help manage sleep difficulties.

It isn't therapy...

But Carolyn Hax writes a darn good advice column.

More topics coming soon!